In creating pages:
Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid. - Dorothea Brande
- A WikiPhase is characterized by inertia. It may be that the current situation is bad, but people will not make the effort to make needed changes. There are often undercurrents which prevent this from happening. Tentative and solitary efforts made are quickly quashed. Change seems impossible. But then somebody makes a committed effort, diving in, being unfettered by resistance. Something interesting happens - suddenly, all sorts of other people join in and support the effort. This often includes people the initiator may not know, or whom the initiator assumed would not be willing to help. A new WikiPhase is begun, inertia shifts, change becomes possible after all, taking only concentration on the task at hand, and refusal to be slowed by any negative forces.
See also: ReallyValuablePages