Cpp Templates The Complete Guide

last modified: May 11, 2014

C++ Templates: The Complete Guide by DavidVandevoorde & NicolaiJosuttis AddisonWesley 2003

ISBN: 0-201-73484-2 .

This is a comprehensive guide to the nuts and bolts of CeePlusPlus templates. It fits in well alongside some of the books in the CppInDepthSeries which show how various techniques can be applied.

One thing which is in here I have never seen anywhere else. It is the idea of PromotionTraits, which permit control of the return type of a function depending upon the type of the arguments. I have been able to use this to resolve some difficult problems of OperatorOverloading. -- JohnFletcher

TheCppStandardLibrary is also by Josuttis. There is now a new edition of that.

-- JohnFletcher

See also TooFewTemplateParameterLists SubstitutionFailureIsNotAnError ArgumentDependentNameLookup

CategoryBook CategoryCppTemplates CategoryCpp
