Counter-recruitment is what people do who are concerned with the CiwilianIraqiBodyCount and don't wish to engage in a TokenProtest. Counter-recruitment works and it's working right now. Counter-recruitment is the only reason military hawks like Murtha are considering withdrawal; because the Iraqi war poses a threat of indirectly causing long-term damage to the US military.
Unfortunately, most people are still held in thrall to the bizarre idea that whining about a problem en masse does anything to solve it. It doesn't. The only thing that solves a problem is attacking it. So in the case of the US military (one of the biggest problems of our world) you attack it by denying it recruits. is a good writeup of this issue.
Another example of people who have decided to attack a problem, the WTO in this case, rather than whine about it is South Korean farmers. Rather than chanting uselessly around the WTO meeting in Hong Kong, they decided to try to invade it and almost succeeded. Close enough to reportedly cause mass panic at the meeting. (