Cool Uri

last modified: November 3, 2014

CoolURIsDontChange <>

fyi: URIs are meant to be an evolution of URLs..

URLs are a special type of URIs, they usually start with http[s] or ftp. URNs are even more generic than URIs, right?

The 1998 RFC 2396 ( defines them, and here's a link to the IETF page on the subject:

seems there was no consensus on the subject as the IETF working group was disbanded...

The subject is a very old one, and no doubt eventually we'll have an alternative to URLs to allow links that are permanent (not dependent on random changes in hosting, directory structure, etc) and logically-structured rather than location-structured, but due to the WorseIsBetter effect, URLs stuck, and all alternatives are currently moribund.

_Wrong - URI is the more general term, URL and URN are both URI's_ _Its more like_

