An Artifact with dependencies and differences in structure and behavior, considering or having knowledge of the context where they are used or appear ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20110603
The Idea
- The idea of context-aware artifacts is that computational artifacts are able to recognize the context in which they are being used so that these artifacts are able to adapt their functionality to the respective context.
- The discussion is of relevance to informing science as there are expectations that context-aware artifacts will enable context-specific information delivery.
- Software agents can be viewed as early software-based approaches to context-aware artifacts dealing with information.
Knowledge Connectors
- Active Bridges - documents are augmented with information intended to support context interpretation and evoke the knowledge that actors need to coordinate their actions in that context
- various techniques have collected a lot of research and design efforts: InformationWrapping and extraction, data mining, process mining, business intelligence tools (and the like) are typical techniques and tools that support the phases of knowledge externalization and combination [30].
- ''The same is not true for tacit knowledge: often, different communication means (from more traditional e-mail to blogs, wikis, etc.) are proposed as the only means to deal with this more problematic kind of knowledge. All these solutions support socialization, but they are usually proposed without taking the maturity level of the target community into due consideration [21].
Different Environment - Different Behavior
- When referring to computational artifacts, context awareness means that artifacts are to some extent able to sense the context in which they are being used. The idea is that artifacts determine the actual context of their use in order to adapt their functionality accordingly
- The idea of context-aware artifacts is that computational artifacts are able to recognize the context in which they are being used so that these artifacts are able to adapt their functionality to the respective context. Most work in developing context-aware artifacts appears to be technology-driven by which we mean that often the relation of the artifacts to the underlying concepts of context remain unclear.
- look at the concept of context in context-aware artifacts from a cognition-oriented perspective ... for an explicit distinction between the concept of context that is operationalized and the original usage situation a social setting that has been negotiated among peers
- Acknowledging the difference suggests that developers of context-aware artifacts should pay considerable attention to the fact that the context determined by artifacts may differ from what the persons involved in the situation have negotiated
- ... critically review operationalizations of context in context-aware artifacts and their impact on how context is conceptualized
21) P. Dourish, W. K. Edwards et al. Extending document management systems with user-specific active properties.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 18(2):140–170, 2000.
30) I. Nonaka and H. Takeuchi. The Knowledge Creating Company. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1995.