Context Is Content

last modified: December 9, 2005

People often go out of their way to delete pages that don't have (much) content. But many such are placeholders (and fertilizer - See FromFertilizerComeFlowers) for content to come. Please click on backlinks and see what a page's context is (and maybe even add some content yourself!) before just zapping it.

This is essentially one person's writing (although conceivably a small minority agree with it); this is not a page that reflects a norm or partial norm for wikiwiki -- certainly the topic of norms is always somewhat controversial, but there are other pages that go back many many years, with many contributors. This page is simply one person's opinion.

Therefore, don't cite it as an opposing norm. It's an opposing opinion, which is different.

I would say that the voice of experience says that there really isn't a lot of logical argument to support the opinion on this page. The better contributors and gnomes do in fact consider backlinks, and do in fact consider adding content to a page, rather than reflexively deleting a page blindly, so this advice is (A) preaching to the choir, that's already common practice, and (B) beyond that, advocates retaining pages with no content, which is many years since already agreed to be wrong practice.
