Container Managed Dating

last modified: November 2, 2003

Container-Managed Dating, or Container-Managed Relationships, are a superset of several patterns: Exposed Collector, Trojan Proxy, Mediator, and it's also just good architecture. A good dating architect can manage seating positions around a table in a group outing, or can run Encapsulated Big Fat Opening to get you and the target female to a movie or out on the dance floor, without your intent being discerned and thus a firewall coming down hard on your emotional fingertips.

Head out there with a Trojan Proxy female friend who's chatty and will pick up women for you, basically, and you might well be trying to schedule more dates than you have time for.

A canny dating architect could even implement Unexpected Resource God herself, or attempt to, then throw control of the process to the dater in question whom she might or might not admit knowing (best done out of town).

Container-Managed Relationships also include online or eight-minute dating, in which there are considerably more male resource competing for female resources, but a few key points can help a man easily differentiate his attributes from the others.

The key factor is to acquire two or more dating architects for a hive mind approach, or to get one truly excellent dating architect. See also

