Consulting Seems Unsafe But Unsafer Than What

last modified: December 21, 2004

Consulting seems unsafe. Well, it might be. But, less safe than what?

Somewhere there is an article in one of the big city papers, I think Washington Post, that talks about how companies are shifting the burden of change and risk onto employees rather than absorb it themselves. The government and companies no longer want to protect anybody from the economic winds and storms. Maybe it's time to move to Europe rather than live through the second incarnation of Dickensonian Capitalism, AKA Dilbert Hell.

It might make no difference since changes like that tend to sweep up everything. It's just like when little warrior groups clashed with agricultural societies, and the agriculturalists had the choice to raise armies and learn to be warriors or perish.

No, usually they traded food in exchange for being allowed to live (probably as slaves, but alive). Food was a highly sought-after item. The warriors couldn't kill the farmers because they needed to eat.

