But why not Organized, Untangled and made Useful? - DoingStuff.DonaldNoyes.20141109
We ordinarily do not like messes. While they may included UsefulArtifacts, when they are included in a collection or pile of unorderly, misplaced and confusing stuff, we are tempted to just throw the whole mess in a trash can to be forgotten and to be done with.
But sometimes, it is worth the effort to extract value from messes. A good feeling comes from rescuing from the discard pile, something GenuinelyUseful. It is like getting something free.
The rescue effort does not end it, left to do is the cleaning and polishing, and then the finding of a place to put it. (If in a SharedSpace, a place agreed upon)
Such is often the situation in PlacesOfChaos. Wiki can have and usually includes such piles of stuff. This is why it was made editable, and being a SharedSpace, has been furnished with agreeable processes to BringSomeOrderToItsStuff. That is what the edit page and save buttons are used for. Remembering the WikiPolitenessLevel, one may bring about CollaborationsWithGoodEffect and a Sense of Order.
CategoryWikiMaintenance CategoryOrganization