You might be a ThreeStarProgrammer if you use the ternary conditional operator ?: in CeeLanguage or JavaLanguage or PerlLanguage. Especially if you used it as an LValue.
You have used ?: to avoid writing an if statement.
This is a useful technique when instrumenting code for profiling:
if((x) ?
TRACE(1),1 : // executed when (x) is true, continues into "if" block
TRACE(2),0) // executed when (x) is false, continues into "else" block
In this context the technique doesn't interfere with the block code if the original didn't use brackets, and the conditional is still evaluated OnceAndOnlyOnce, so it won't cause macro-expansion problems. I consider this usage to be a special case; I'd discourage regularly using ? in place of if-else.
Ummm...this technique doesn't work Consider this simplification:
if (x? foo(),1: bar(),0) { ... },
Because ? and : are brackets, there is no binding problem with the first comma. However, comma has lower precedence than ?:, so this statement should be parsed as
if ((x? (foo(), 1): bar()), 0) { ... },
which implies that the { ... }, will never be executed.
I am leaving the original suggestion uncorrected because I think it's a useful lesson. --AndrewKoenig
I'd like to add another use of ?: that can make mathematically based code much easier to read. Guards in languages like HaskellLanguage are an immensely useful feature and ?: can be used to implement them in C/C++.
const double a =
expression1 ? a1
: expression2 ? a2
: expression3 ? a3
: /*otherwise*/ a4;
Compare this to the equivalent if statements version which is more error prone and procedural instead of the mathematical declarative form. Also note that in the above code a can be declared as const as we intended it.
double a;
if( expression1 )
a = a1;
else if( expression2 )
a = a2;
else if( expression3 )
a = a3;
else /*otherwise*/
a = a4;
Like anything else ?: can be abused, but used well it can produce better code. --DavidSankel
PythonLanguage 2.4 and below had no official ternary conditional, but it could be emulated with short-circuiting and/or:
a = p and t or f
However, this is not a perfect solution because, for this to behave the same as the conditional operator, t must not evaluate to False. If it does, the "and" test will fail and the expression will evaluate to f, regardless of the value of p.
Python 2.5 introduced a true conditional operator with the following syntax:
a = t if p else f
LispLanguage and many others simply use if-then-else or cond, since they are already expressions.
As pointed out in the introductory paragraph, it is possible (though generally discouraged) to use the ternary operator as a LeftValue selector:
((foo) ? bar : baz) = frink;
which is equivalent to:
if (foo)
bar = frink;
baz = frink;
Defenders of the device hold that it makes the intention of a selected assignment clear, but the vast majority of programmers consider this extremely poor style, if only because the technique's obscurity. (Personally, I have a certain fondness for it, but then I'm a manic Lisp weenie; I would never use it in anything anyone else would ever have to maintain, however, unless I intended it as EvilCode. -- JayOsako)
The same thing can be done with function calls: foo = (bar ? baz : quux)(frink)
Using ?: in lvalues are not supported in C, but you can still do this:
A good use for the conditional operator is when you have code like this:
if (a)
It can be re-written as:
f( a ? b : c);
See also ChoiceOperatorDoesNotConsiderInheritance