Compiling With Continuations

last modified: July 9, 2010

This book by AndrewAppel discusses ContinuationPassingStyle as an intermediate representation for optimizing compilers in general, and for an ML compiler in particular.

For a modern-day example in a similar spirit, see StacklessPython.

Does anyone know if this is any good? I had picked up ModernCompilerImplementationInJava for a class a while back (also by AndrewAppel) and was quite disappointed by the book.

Well, I've picked up the book; it's a good bit thinner than ModernCompilerImplementationInJava, and, at least from what I recall, is probably a better book for learning compilers in general. That said, I'll need to read a good bit more of it before I can offer a solid impression.

CategoryBook, CategoryContinuation
