TomGilb**'s latest book, the first in a promised series on "Planguage" (PlanningLanguage). The full title is Competitive Engineering: A Handbook for SystemsEngineering, RequirementsEngineering, and SoftwareEngineering using Planguage. It contains a significant proportion of the PlanguageConceptGlossary.
An overview (from the Introduction):
- Chapter 1: Planguage Basics and Process Control This chapter explains why Planguage is necessary and introduces the structure of the Planguage language and methods.
- Chapter 2: Introduction to Requirements This chapter outlines the fundamentals of requirement specification: the framework for setting targets and constraints.
- Chapter 3: Functions This chapter describes functions and function requirements.
- Chapter 4: Performance This chapter describes the basics of how to specify performance attributes quantitatively.
- Chapter 5: Scales of Measure This chapter discusses finding and defining appropriate scales of measure.
- Chapter 6: Resources, Budgets and Costs This chapter outlines how to specify the resource requirements.
- Chapter 7: Design Ideas and Design Engineering This chapter describes how to find and specify design ideas. It also outlines the Design Engineering process
- Chapter 8: Specification Quality Control This chapter gives an overview of the Specification Quality Control method (also known as 'Inspection'), which measures specification quality against your own tailored specification standards.
- Chapter 9: Impact Estimation This chapter describes the Impact Estimation method, which is used to evaluate quantitatively the impact of design ideas on your performance and resource requirements, and can also be used to track quantitatively project progress towards critical objectives.
- Chapter 10: Evolutionary Project Management This chapter gives an overview of Evolutionary Project Management. It gives you the basic concepts of evolutionary delivery and discusses how you identify evolutionary steps.
- Glossary: The glossary in the book has over 180 concepts. It provides detailed reference definitions, supporting the text in the chapters (only the main concepts could be fitted into this book, the additional concepts can be found in the complete glossary at