COMMODORE 128 / 128D
My first & beloved computer :) (by Hayrettin YILDIZ)
All information below come from my fond memories.
1) C64 Compatibility Mode
64K RAM, Basic 2.0, 40 column text
MOS 8502 CPU operated at 1 MHz
2) C128 Native Mode
128K RAM, Basic 7.0, 40 or 80 column text
MOS 8502 CPU operated at 1 or 2MHz
3) CP/M Plus (3.0) Mode
128K RAM, CP/M 3.0, 40 or 80 column text
Zilog Z80A CPU operated at 1 MHz
Two microprocessors included:
1) MOS 8502 (6502/6510 derivative)
Operates at 1 or 2 MHz
Both C64 and C128 modes uses this CPU
2) Zilog Z80A
Operates at 2 MHz
CP/M Plus (3.0) mode uses this CPU
Boots up the system
1) ROM:
C64 Basic 2.0 ROM 8K
C64 Kernal ROM 8K
C64 Character ROM 4K
C128 Basic 7.0 ROM 32K
2) RAM:
128K (2x64K RAM Banks)
Expandable up to 1MB (16 RAM Banks)
3) I/O:
4K memory mapped I/O area interfaced to I/O chips (SID, VIC, CIAs etc)
1K Color Memory (for VIC chip modes)
Controls up to 16 banks of 64K memory blocks
With bank switching 1024K of total memory possible
SID 8581 (6581 derivative)
Analog sound processor
3 independent sound voices
3 waveform (triangle, sawtooth, pulse) and a white noise
16 bit frequency resolution
Approximately 8 octave sound pitch range
ADSR volume envelopes
4 bit master volume register
Voice modulation and filtering
Reads potentiometer inputs (eg. paddles) from joystick ports
Random number generator
Two different & independent video chips included
Both can operate simultaneously with two video outputs (one composite vide, one RGB)
1) VIC 8567 (Video Interface Chip)
VIC II (6567/9) derivative
Runs only at slow (1 MHz) mode
16 colors
Composite Video & TV (RF) Output Signals
16K RAM mapped from main RAM (selectable 16K VRAM bank)
Horizontal and vertical pixel based smooth scrolling (up to 7 pixels)
Interrupt creation
Sprite collisions
Raster line compare
Light gun latch
40x25 characters text mode
Singlecolor mode: 8x8 pixel character resolution
Multicolor mode : 4x8 pixel character resolution
Each character set contains 256 character definitions (total 2K)
320x200 pixel hi-res graphics mode
Each 8x8 pixel block can have different fore and background color
160x200 pixel lo-res multicolor graphics mode
Each 4x8 pixel block can have 3 different colors and one fixed background color
8 MOBs (Movable Object Blocks, Sprites) per rasterline
In hi-res single color mode: 24x21 pixel resolution
In lo-res multi-color mode: 12x21 pixel resolution
Collision detection with other sprites and background is possible
Sprite-sprite (number based) and sprite-background priority is selectable
2) VDC 8564 (Video Display Controller):
Runs at slow (1 MHz) and fast (2 MHz) modes
RGBI Video Output
Separate video memory (16K or 64K) accessible from 2 byte memory interface
80x25 characters text mode (16 colors & attributes)
640x200 regular graphics resolution
640x400 interlaced resolution
Programmable resolutions (up to 720x512) & colour depths (up to 16 colors)
Two CIA 8526 I/O chips included (Complex Interface Adapter)
CIA 6526 derivatives (compatible)
Keyboard, joystick, serial port handling
Time of Day (TOD) clocks, precise time counters
External Connectors:
1 Expansion port
1 User port
1 Serial port (up to 5 devices)
2 Joystick ports (9 pin)
1 RF port (TV Output, VIC chip)
1 Composite Video Output (VIC chip)
1 RGBI Video Output (VDC chip)