Clear Silver Hierarchical Data Format

last modified: July 19, 2005

ClearSilver's HierarchicalDataFormat (HDF) -- one of the AlternativesToXml



"It supports two different syntax for representing the dataset hierarchy which can be intermixed arbitrarily. The first is a simple dotted path scheme:

Page.Name = My Index
Page.URL = /myindex.html
Page.Menu.0 = Home
Page.Menu.1 = Preferences
Page.Menu.2 = Help
Page.Menu.3 = Support

"The second is a nested elements scheme:

Page {
  Name = My Index
  URL = /myindex.html
  Menu {
    0 = Home
    1 = Preferences
    2 = Help
    3 = Support

A few more small examples at

Compare to YamlAintMarkupLanguage.

Looks like Java '.properties' files -- morphed into something close to JavaScriptObjectNotation (JSON) or Python native data, to me. -- JeffGrigg

Questions from the AlternativesToXml page:
