Classics In Software Engineering

last modified: November 27, 2003

This may or may not be what the original poster had in mind:

If it isn't, could somebody provide a link, please?

I went to and searched "Books" for "classics in software". The search results (the first 10 books), every single one of them were "Out of Print--Limited Availability" except for the last one -- "Not yet released."

Somehow I find this disturbing.

Maybe the EdYourdon book? (out of print; used)

My grandfather recently gave me a copy of the book _Classics in Software Engineering_ edited by Edward Nash Yourdon, copyright 1979. -- DavidCary

Right on the copyright page it says

"This book was set in Times Roman by YOURDON Press, using a PDP-11/45 running under the UNIX operating system."

No doubt using troff.

