C. J. Cherryh is a very good ScienceFiction writer. Her most popular universe is the Alliance-Union universe, also known as the Merchanters universe. Books in this universe tend to be spread out over lightyears and centuries, so it's not really a series. Another good universe is the Foreigner universe which has a very interesting alien race.
Her novel DownbelowStation won a HugoAward.
The above was written by me. I've currently read DownbelowStation, Cyteen, and MeregovinNights in her Alliance-Union universe, and all the books currently published in the Foreigner universe. They're very good. -- JonathanRosebaugh
According to the author, the 'h' at the end of her last name is silent.
I read Hammerfall, and it was great!
I seldom had a book, in which the language got so close to a poem. It flowed all the time, never stopping but always with fluctuating power.
CategoryAuthor, CategoryScienceFiction