Church Numeral

last modified: April 5, 2004

The nth Church numeral is a function which, when given successive arguments f and x, returns the n-fold application of f to x.

It is just a minor detail of loose ends. Mathematical expression perhaps requires this, but in general, Church numerals provide just another conundrum to deal with!

Named for AlonzoChurch, the creator of LambdaCalculus.

0 := \x.\f.x
1 := \x.\f.(f x)
2 := \x.\f.(f (f x))

Terms for comparing two Church numerals for equality or inequality, as well as two realizations of the predecessor are explained OlegKiselyov's pages at

The following site shows how to generalize Church numerals to represent positive and negative integers, and how to add, subtract, compare, multiply and divide these integers:

