I'm interested in software development that works. (To be honest I've ignored XP as YetAnotherSoftwareEngineeringFad until I accidently stumbled into this Wiki and did some reading. (Did not know what a wiki was either. Consequently set up piki on a python webserver on my laptop as a means of organizing all the stuff I'm constantly jotting down.))
I'm interested in ArtificialMinds whatever that is or ends up being. (Theory suggests it is somehow related to ArtificialIntelligence, but the theory is still unproven.)
I'm interested in cryptography. (an original professional need has piqued an interest in the art of bit twiddling, number theory I never learned in school, and cool stuff I never really imagined w.r.t. modular arithmetic.)
I've been getting paid to do OS-level C code for 12 years. Do C++ and python for fun. Have bookcases in every room of the house and basement, and still have piles of books which won't fit anywhere (and my wife hasn't left me over it yet. :-). I've even read some of them. Put it this way, Amazon showed their first profit last quarter ... that was me!! :-)
Spent 6 years of my life as a nuclear submariner and yet my kids appear to be normal. (for creative definitions of appear and normal.)
General Comment:
- I'm extremely impressed by the level of writing/general temperament I've seen here. Didn't think it possible on the internet.
Contact Info:
- Live in Fort Collins, Colo