Chris Eineke

last modified: May 26, 2005

My name is Christopher Eineke and I am a German-Canadian (recently immigrated) living in Exeter, Ontario, Canada. I am pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. Unfortunately, I am right now in my summer holidays and unemployed.

I started to play around with my gramp's C64 at the age of five in 1988. Now I am 22 years old, using Gentoo Linux on my eMachines M6811 laptop and recently got interested in Computer Graphics/Game Programming.

Why is it that everyone around here is interested in CG/GP? Either that or languages! It's like some sort of social disease everyone's caught. How's it transmitted? Is it an STD?

My condolences on joining CU too late to benefit from Smalltalk.
