A not-so-funny joke:
A chicken and a pig decide to start a restaurant.
The pig says, "What should we call it?"
The chicken says, "How about 'Ham & Eggs'?"
The pig says, "No thanks. I'd be committed, but you'd just be involved."
An important part of the ScrumProcess.
Very simply, the team members who have daily deliverables are the pigs. Everyone else implements IHaveFeathers.
I told this joke to the JavaAsaSecondLanguage group, and they all laughed. So it turns out that it is funny. -- MichaelIvey
What then, is a Chicken, and what is a Pig?
- The consultant is the chicken, and the client is the pig, naturally. ;-)
- huh? The person whose work is essential to delivery is the pig
- Right, the management will be chicken.:-)
- to often the consultant wants only to be involved, not committed as the client must be, involving both their own gold and the expectation of trust that the consultant will deliver the expertise part of the solution, even if others must pick up where the consultant leaves off to deliver the satisfactory if not optimum results. If not, the consultant is minus one client.
- huh? The person whose work is essential to delivery is the pig
See ScrumOverview, DailyScrum