Last time I was out in the world was June 2005. Now it's October 2007 and GoogleLovesWiki again. I wonder what all happened while I was away? --WikiWikiWeb
Lessee ... you missed out on
- HurricaneKatrina
- RubyOnRailsRulesTheUniverse (but, thankfully, doesn't rule WardsWiki!)
- WardCunninghamLeavingMicrosoft and then WardLeavingEclipseForAboutUs
- The untimely demise of Pete's LimpinwoodTeahouse
- Wiki has become a OnePileFilingSystem with pages hovering at about 32500 or so.
- The war of bots over preserving/disregarding spelling and syntax errors, -- or -, comma or semicolon, etc. has continued without letup, making it much more difficult to see what is going on in RecentChanges.
- I don't know about "without letup" - been some signal on RC the last couple days. You don't suppose?
- Many people who have interest in building, interaction and dialogue have gravitated elsewhere. Might come back if this place starts working again ...
- TheCppStandardsCommittee are at work on CeePlusPlusZeroEx (now CeePlusPlusEleven)
- Other important events?
You could take a look at the backlinks of the ImplicitTopics for more?
This is a page about stuff that wiki didn't think about because of being (a) lobotomized by RC spam and (b) deserted due to google-invisibility. Wiki knows precious little about June 2005 - September 2007. It's like it had a long lost weekend or something.