Cadifra UML Editor is a fast and lightweight commercial UmlDiagram editor for Windows 2000 and WindowsXp, created by Cadifra Inc., a two person small-biz company located in SwitzerlandCountry. --
- Supports: ClassDiagram, Object- (or InstanceDiagram), UseCase diagram, StateDiagram and SequenceDiagram.
- Can reliably embed diagrams in MicrosoftWord (and others).
- Unlimited undo/redo without exceptions (limited only by memory).
- Produces high quality diagrams (no arrows piercing boxes) while still very easy to use.
- No CodeGeneration. No ReverseEngineering.
- Intelligent handling of connectors, but not "too" intelligent (user can always position every segment exactly where he/she wants). Supports tree-like connectors.
- Has a style editor to set fonts of text of families of UmlDiagram elements (uses inheritance).
- No pop-up dialogs to edit text. Just double click on any text to edit it.
- Implements full Windows DragAndDrop (drag a selection into Word to embed it or place a snippet onto the desktop. Control+drag to copy something into same or another diagram).
- Stores diagrams in human-readable XML (ExtensibleMarkupLanguage). Schema (using RelaxNg) is fully documented.
Unrestricted free evaluation available for downloading (no questions asked, no time limit - just prints a small eval notice on exported or printed diagrams). Eval is only 1 MB to download. No admin login required to install. Cleanly uninstalls (uses Windows Installer).
CategorySoftwareTool CategoryUml