Cad Wiki

last modified: September 19, 2014

How about a wiki written to be executed in a Cad Environment - Take Visualization to a new level! ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20140908

Warning - this page has the following components ( Wanted ArtifactsAndArtifactories, NotBuiltInOneDay but being built in an ArtifactRepository at first with WoolenLanguage or or other Incomplete Abstractions )

This could become one of TheOtherThings in my OnePileFilingSystem of DoingStuff. Perhaps this could become the "cad-pile-filing-system" of 2015.

A means of organizing and Hyperlinking things other than words.

Where the StorageArtifact will reside within or be represented by a CadBlock created in a 2D, 3D, or nD space, utilizing some innoventions similar to mathematical manipulators such as addition, substraction, multiplication, division, duplication, morphing, translation and rotation (in n dimensions).

One might enhance, diminish (influence) or delete blocks via a process of dimensional scaling (deletion all scaling goes to 0, or where certain of the dimensions are dimished or zeroed out to become specialized artifacts.

Imagine if you will a spherical-radar-chart which might be used to graph some visualized characteristics of an artifact. And then move the artifact while scaling some of its characteristics in response to changes of the dimensions (take one to be time, for example).


CategoryOrganization CategoryDesign
