CAD, or ComputerAidedDesign is a process which can be found useful in other ways than the preparation of drawings, images and illustrations - ThinkingOutLoud.DonaldNoyes.20141207
- If we utilize the dimensioning and dimensions capabilities of a CAD system, we can extend the OnePileFilingSystem far beyond the simple stack paradigm to include ArtifactsAndArtifactories.
- Having used a CAD system called AutoCad for the creation of EngineeringDrawings, and observing the power of such systems to create, specify, describe, instruct about, connnect, shape, and otherwise manipulate artifacts using resources and components, by way of drawing them in 2D or 3D space, I can see how such systems can be extended in such away as to allow the creation of associations and assemblies of piled filing systems.
- It might be one of the projects I'll attempt during 2015 and 2016.