I worked for Burrell Smith back at Radius. He was a great guy. So was Radius for that matter. Julian Nguyen was the brilliant Director of Engineering. Burrell was the visionary VP, Engineering. That all changed when Mike Boich and Matt Carter brought in Andrew Singer (from InBox). Andrew was a software guy. Radius was a hardware company. Burrell moved out of Engineering. Andrew could never accept the fact that Julian was smarter than he was. Peter Quinn (my boss after Julian) came in to be Director, Engineering for Graphics Products (our one and only cash cow). Eventually "Ground" Chuck Burger came in from Clarion (remember them, be a trivial pursuit question later on) and Greg Millar took over engineering. Another software geek. Had the brilliant idea of building a multi-processing system (based on NuBus, when Apple was providing us graphics guys their PowerPC specs). Long story short, Burrell and Julian were the good guys. The others were just pigs at the trough. Same story over again.
For more on Burrell's adventures at Apple, see: http://www.folklore.org/ProjectView.py?characters=Burrell Smith.