[20080521 - a holding page saying "biting back in 2007"]
Stumbled across this Aussie company and just requested a developer registration. Looks like some interesting technologies. --DanGreen (always happy to plug his own country's companies)
If you ever find out what the development language looks like, please let us know. --RonJeffries
The Bullant language is heavily influenced by an early version of the EiffelLanguage. An Eiffel programmer would immediately feel "at home".
documentation is now inside their developer site
whitepapers can be found here
Grumpy Review:
- More buzzwords than content
- The funny motion of the menu bar makes me queezy (using IE 4.72.311.8). It's pure showing-off, adding no value to the site. If this is what their web page does, what will their technology do to my web site?
- You too can make your web pages only viewable by your customers that are using an 80x86 and who are willing and able to tolerate the download of a 1.23 MB plug-in.