It all began in a little 1000 Watt radio station in Fresno... No wait, that wasn't me.
I am many things to many people. For those who define people by their job, I can tell you that I currently work for an ApplicationServiceProvider that provides HumanResources services to US federal government agencies, improving their processes as much as I can.
My interest in patterns began when I read the GangOfFour book many years ago, and discovered that they had articulated a lot of the things which I had understood intuitively but could never explain to others. Even better, I learned many more things that I hadn't known, but that made sense to me.
I believe that there is a clear distinction between ProgrammingAsArt and ProgrammingAsEngineering and I consider myself far more in the ProgrammingAsArt camp. I don't think metrics are useful, and with rare exceptions I don't find ProcessPatterns nearly as interesting as other types. I may be wrong, but there seems to be a belief outside the PatternCommunity that Patterns are for the engineer types. I consider Patterns to be a way to enhance the art and get the most elegant solutions in the easiest way (I'm also lazy).
Links to interesting places:
- ModelViewController, or my version, ModelPipeViewController
- BuildingTheWorldsHeaviestAirplane
- YouArentGonnaNeedIt
- RolePattern