British Invasion Of India

last modified: April 17, 2014

Moved from BhagavadGita:

Today, British versions of Indian history have been rejected as a ploy for establishing the Indian colony (a famous example is the debunked Aryan invasion theory).

On the contrary, it was the British who united India under a single 'religion'. They changed the concept of 'Hindu' as a nationality. The entire Indian mosaic of races, cultures, gods, languages, etc., in short, people who lived on this subcontinent were known as Hindu. Thus: Indu (in Chinese), Indus (in Russian), Hindu (in German, at least till recently), ?Even in English: Hindu --> Indu / Indi).

The British needed a counterbalance to the powerful Muslims and generally promoted this system. When they defeated a regional Muslim King they would hand the kingdom over to an eagerly-waiting non-muslim king.

This twisting of the meaning of the world might also have come about because of the administrative need to avoid having a huge number of entries in their books, one for each religion found in their single administrative unit that was India.

Thus if the British had ruled the whole of Africa, we would have had a new religion uniting all the similar-looking cultural groups (similar-looking to outsiders, that is) called African.

After the British left, exhausted from the second world war and with the rise of a super power which sponsored the liberation of all countries from what they innocently saw as bad domination, the groups who had come to power through them seized on this concept (of 'Hindu' as a religion) to continue to dominate the subcontinent. Thus we now have a minority claiming to represent the majority and grabbing all the easy jobs in their name. The word Hindu, instead of being synonymous with the world 'Indian', has now become a parasitic device.

Also, contrary to what current Indian history books (written by these parasitic minorities) claim, British rule was a huge blessing for Indians. It greatly advanced the country socially, economically, technologically, and in every other way. What were Indians doing to Indians before the British came and liberated them? - The British 'atrocities' were nowhere near what Indians did to themselves. See where the subcontinent has gone after the British left.

Before that, Muslim rule too was a great advancement for India.

The government superstructure (military, police, administration, etc.) which is what really holds this country together - even the concept of 'Hindu' as a religion - was created by the British. Since they left, this superstructure has decayed considerably.

According to indigenous cultural values, people should get things by virtue of birth into various communities and not because they did something positive. This model is in conflict with western values, which believe that all people should have a chance to come up in life. The actual system is not too close to the indigenous extreme - no country can be uninfluenced by Western ideals. As a result, the country does make progress.

God Bless the British. They did a lot of good to the world.

-- Written by an Indian (a non-'Hindu' Hindu)

U can not be Indian, real Indian knows pain what British has caused for their self interest. They raped, looted, destroyed India and its soul. Its like African American man knows pain behind "N" word, so just don't pretend. We Indian have soft heart for every one no matter how terrible other person has done to u. Good luck but please don't bring shame to Indian word itself!

You do lack a good knowledge of Indian history for an Indian. What Indian 'atrocities' can you come up with that counter the British atrocities (for e.g. take only the Jhalianwala Bhag incidence). Also, what has 'Muslim' rule given to India (other than a Taj Mahal and lots of forced muslim converts?

Yow, that's quite the rant. Reading Gandhi and other related sources provide quite a different view, of course. Any recommended (non-British) references that back up the alternate view would be much appreciated.

The Aryan invasion model has been debunked in the limited sense of a full-scale conquest of the native population, but it's clear there was a migration of Indo-European groups into the Indus valley during the later Bronze age, and that the subsequent cultures owe much to them. Incidentally, why the older theory that modern Indian civilizations are descended from the kin of Greeks, Germans, and Britons is justification for conquering them somewhat escapes me.

It is history, get over it!

Can u get over!

Hey looks like you are trying for a British citizenship. :) Good luck, dude !

Though what the british did maybe good in many cases, it is always bad in the long run. They have caused years of unrest, war and social imbalance with a poverty with no near end. The british domination of India left indian industries behind and caused mass unemployment. We can see that with the Opium War in China and the opening of East India company, Only the Mughul Empire and the Ashokan Empire have created true proud governments with the exception of Aurangzeeb. The fact there has been no responsible government after the Mughuls does dissapoint many, We have seen the Ghandi Dynasty plunge India into War twice and we have seen the BJP re-write history book to accomadate their "Hindu," glory they have so elequently called "Hinduvata." India has centuries ahead before it even reaches the same state of government that was run by Ashoka or Akbar.

That's a distinct exaggeration. Asoka's kingdom was impressive by the standards of its time, but do you think poverty, war, and social imbalance were absent from it, or even present in much less quantity than they are today? The colonial powers, of which Britain was supreme, made horrible messes wherever they went, but they did not bring back the early Iron age. What good they accomplished is generally more subtle, but people who have investigated the subject thoroughly generally have a tough time weighing one against the other. In the end, it probably doesn't matter - the good they did was good and should be emulated, the bad they did was bad and should be shunned, as with everyone else.

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