Boot Hill

last modified: May 27, 2004

Boot Hill was that standard placename of the Old West cemetery where all the unnamed gunslingers who got killed off by their more fortunate mates were interned.

The pen-ultimate Beer and Pretzels RPG is a Western of the same name. start by making 5 characters, don't worry, you'll need them cause it's a live fast die faster game. Boot Hill is the Old West gunslinging, either robbin' banks or guardin' them. May haps the South is trying to rise again and needs gun money, or you just wanna play cards and kill cheaters. Meet Gunslingers like Billy Hazelwood, William De Ballcap, Squint Westwoods, Rabi Grubberman, Ching Ching Pow and his brother Click Click Bang, Injun's like Little Buck the 6foot 6 scout, or the Cheezey Mexican Bandito's. Beware of Sheriff's right hand, Deputy Fife... he might only have one bullet but he only NEEDS one. Character creation takes about 3 minutes if you're a slow writer, and if the character lasts that long, your doing good, or hidin' under tables a lot.

Heck - given another paragraph, I could Almost post the rules here, but I won't, I just wish I could find them again. To say that having one character live for two hours of game play is Way uncommon, let alone living for the complete session. now if your character lives long enought to retire, you are either in Prizion, or have loaded dice... in which case you'd get shot at the table or put in prizion again. ;-)

CategoryGame, CategoryIdiom
