Here is a list of books on the subject of LeaderShip. Please add, annotate, and categorize as you see fit.
Alphabetical by Title
- AuthenticLeadership : by William George, former Medtronics CEO. Business week comment "A CEO whose Life Is an Open Book"
- AwakeningCorporateSoul : Four Paths to Unleash the Power of People at Work, by Eric Klein and John Izzo
- BecomingATechnicalLeader, by GeraldWeinberg
- BuiltToLast, by JimCollins and JerryPorras (more about corporate culture than leadership, but CultureIsTheManifestationOfLeadership)
- CreatingaSoftwareEngineeringCulture, by KarlWiegers (ditto)
- GoodToGreat by JimCollins (See chapter 2 on "Level 5" leadership)
- HerdingCats: A Primer for Programmers Who Lead Programmers by Hank Rainwater
- LeadershipIsAnArt, by MaxDePree
- LeadershipJazz, by MaxDePRee ("Art" is a bit more compelling. "Jazz" seems a little more actionable to me.)
- ManagementChallengesForTheTwentyFirstCentury, by PeterDrucker
- ManagingTechnicalPeople, by WattsHumphrey
- MotivationInTheRealWorld by SaulGellerman (1992) ISBN: 0452270235
- OnBecomingaLeader, by WarrenBennis
- OnBecomingaTechnicalLeader, by JerryWeinberg (Deliberate play on the title of Bennis' book.)
- OutOfTheCrisis, by Dr. WilliamEdwardsDeming ISBN: 0911379010
- TheNewEconomics, by Dr. WilliamEdwardsDeming ISBN: 091137907X
- PeopleWare, by TomDeMarco and TimothyLister
- TheServant, by JamesHunter
- TheTaoOfLeadership, by JohnHeider
- WhyLeadersCantLead, by WarrenBennis (OnBecomingaLeader is probably better)
- LeadershipWithoutEasyAnswers, by Ronald A. Heifetz, ISBN: 0674518586
- All the TomPeters books.
- Powerful Project Leadership by Wayne Strider ISBN: 1567261477
- TheOneMinuteManager
- EmotionalIntelligence
"Leadership Ensemble" : Times Books Written about my good friends in the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, NY, NY
In a nutshell it's about collaborative management and a boss-less organization. Orpheus has given many seminars on their rehearsal/recording/performance management model. Their model is used by corporate names such as J.P. Morgan, Morgan-Stanley, StonyField Farms, Gore and Associates (Gore-tex), San Diego Zoo, and many more.
Orpheus is not "Leader-less," in fact everyone in the orchestra is a leader. For this very reason is why Orpheus is one of the greatest orchestras on planet earth.
Wyatt Sutherland
CategoryBooks, CategoryLeadership