Blue Plane

last modified: December 27, 2010

The direction of ParadigmShift (compare PinkPlane). Changes in the direction of the blue plane ("vision") are likely to be at odds with interests favoring the installed base, but aligned with interests favoring the simple, beautiful vision of the environment's designers. Any extant system is an approximated instantiation that serves users by evolving along the pink plane ("implementation"?).

Anyone have a copy of _The Act of Creation_ handy? -- Jeff Miller

An interpolated quote from (1997-1998):

There are two orthogonal forces at work in the Squeak team, with which we have been able to make two kinds of progress. These have most recently been articulated in Alan Kay's allusion to Arthur Koestler's metaphor of progress in two planes: the incremental improvement plane (which Alan calls the "pink" plane) and the paradigm shift (or "blue") plane. ("The Act of Creation", Arthur Koestler, 1964, Arkana Reissue Edition, Paperback, ISBN: 0140191917 )
