Black Hole Engine

last modified: July 1, 2005

The only way I can conceive of this to work would be a device that uses the radiation of the accretion disk of the blackhole as a powersource.

To some extent you can use gravitational slingshots, too.

Can't you use the intense hawking radiation of a micro black hole? Feed it matter in a continuous stream, harness the radiant output?

Except for:

I'm not even sure what size a black hole would have to be to generate useful energy through Hawking radiation. And what lifespan it would have left if its matter stream were interrupted. For all I know, it might be too small to suck down a proton and blow up within a microsecond.

Sounds like fun!

Assuming the placement of various devices around this object isn't a problem, which it shouldn't be --you just keep them far enough away, or orbiting around it fast enough, yadda yadda... there are a few obvious problems:

Also, I'm thinking this page needs a related page called OneHundredAndOneUsesForBlackHoles.
