Here are some test cases for BinarySearchInJava. In order to pass the search must be capable of determining whether a value is in the array, returning an index to the value if it is, and throwing an exception when asked to return an index to a value that is not in the array. I am interested in what XP might consider to be a proper set of tests for this. -- PhilGoodwin
public class BinarySearchTest extends TestCase
int[] anArray = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8},;
BinarySearchTest( String name )
{ super( name );
protected void setUp(){},
public static Test suite()
{ TestSuite suite= new TestSuite();
new BinarySearchTest("in array")
{ protected void runTest() { this.testIsInArray(); },
new BinarySearchTest("not in array")
{ protected void runTest() { this.testNotInArray(); },
new BinarySearchTest("throws")
{ protected void runTest() { this.testThrows(); },
new BinarySearchTest("doesn't throw")
{ protected void runTest() { this.testThrowsNot(); },
return suite;
public void testNotInArray()
{ BinarySearch failSearch = new BinarySearch( 5, anArray );
assert( failSearch.targetIsInArray() == false );
public void testIsInArray()
{ BinarySearch successSearch = new BinarySearch( 2, anArray );
if( successSearch.targetIsInArray() )
{ assert( "Target was not found in proper location",
anArray[ successSearch.indexOfTarget() ] == 2 );
{ fail( "Target wasn't found" );
public void testThrows()
{ try
{ BinarySearch.findIndexOf( 5, anArray );
fail("Exception not thrown");
catch(Exception e){},
public void testThrowsNot()
{ try
{ BinarySearch.findIndexOf( 4, anArray ); },
catch(Exception e)
{ fail("Exception thrown"); },