Benelux Xp Day

last modified: September 12, 2004

XP Day Benelux 2004

In 2004, we organize the second XP Day Benelux. This event will take place on November 19th, 2004 in Mechelen (Belgium).

The program is complete. See for contents or for more information

Benelux XP Day 2003 on November 21st, 2003 in Breda, The Netherlands

The XP Day Benelux is a one day conference, organized by the BelgianXpUsersGroup and the DutchXpCommunity, about all aspects of Extreme Programming and other agile software development methods like DSDM, Scrum, Feature-driven development, and Crystal. See the agile manifesto ( for the principles of agile software development.

The XP Day Benelux conference is aimed at software developers, project leaders, IT managers, testers, architects, and coaches. It will provide a good opportunity for exchanging ideas and sharing experiences, and is suited for both experienced participants and beginners in Agile Software Development. The focus of this conference is on practical knowledge, real-world experience and active participation of all attendees. We aim at 50-100 participants.

More info on

The call for session proposals has now closed. The program is online at


The XP Day Benelux conference is organised on a not-for-profit basis by CQ2 (, Moebius (, Nayima (, NIWI-KNAW (, TriCAT Agileon (, Tryx (

See also: XpConferences LondonXpDay

