Awki Awki Source Code

last modified: August 12, 2013

The source is spread over three files and it comes with a conf file (KUDOS!). This is the 0.1 version of awkiawki.

Don't be scared! The source looks better on the edit page :)

1. awki.cgi - main cgi script

2. awki.conf - setting options for your server and wiki

3. parser.awk - parsing pages you've just created

4. special_parser.awk - parsing diffs if you enabled rcs

1. awki.cgi - main cgi script

#!/usr/bin/mawk -f
# awkiawki - wikiwiki clone written in (n|g|m)awk
# $Id: awki.cgi,v 1.45 2004/07/13 16:34:45 olt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2002 Oliver Tonnhofer (
# See the file `COPYING' for copyright notice.

        #            --- default options ---
        #    --- use awki.conf to override default settings ---
        #       img_tag: HTML img tag  for picture in page header.
        localconf["img_tag"] = "<img src=\"/awki.png\" width=\"48\" height=\"39\" align=\"left\">"
        #       datadir: Directory for raw pagedata (must be writeable for the script).
        localconf["datadir"] = "./data/"
        #       parser: Parsing script.
        localconf["parser"] = "./parser.awk"
        #   special_parser: Parser for special_* functions.
        localconf["special_parser"] = "./special_parser.awk"
        #       default_page: Name of the default_page.
        localconf["default_page"] = "FrontPage"
        #       show_changes: Number of changes listed by RecentChanges
        localconf["show_changes"] = 10
        #       max_post: Bytes accept by POST requests (to avoid DOS).
        localconf["max_post"] = 100000
        #       write_protection: Regex for write protected files
        #       e.g.: "*", "PageOne|PageTwo|^.*NonEditable"
        #               HINT: to edit these protected pages, upload a .htaccess
        #                     protected awki.cgi script with write_protection = ""
        localconf["write_protection"] = ""
        #   css: HTTP URL for external CSS file.
        localconf["css"] = ""
        #   always_convert_spaces: If true, convert runs of 8 spaces to tab automatical.
        localconf["always_convert_spaces"] = 0
        #       date_cmd: Command for current date.
        localconf["date_cmd"] = "date '+%e %b. %G %R:%S %Z'"
        #       rcs: If true, rcs is used for revisioning.
        localconf["rcs"] = 0
        #       path: add path to PATH environment
        localconf["path"] = ""
        #            --- default options ---

        scriptname = ENVIRON["SCRIPT_NAME"]

        if (localconf["path"])
                ENVIRON["PATH"] = localconf["path"] ":" ENVIRON["PATH"]

        #load external configfile

        # PATH_INFO contains page name
        if (ENVIRON["PATH_INFO"]) {
                query["page"] = ENVIRON["PATH_INFO"]

        if (ENVIRON["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
        if (ENVIRON["CONTENT_TYPE"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") {
                        if (ENVIRON["CONTENT_LENGTH"] < localconf["max_post"])
                                bytes = ENVIRON["CONTENT_LENGTH"]
                                bytes = localconf["max_post"]
            cmd = "dd ibs=1 count=" bytes " 2>/dev/null"
            cmd | getline query_str
            close (cmd)
                if (ENVIRON["QUERY_STRING"])
                        query_str = query_str "&" ENVIRON["QUERY_STRING"]
        }, else {
                if (ENVIRON["QUERY_STRING"])
                        query_str = ENVIRON["QUERY_STRING"]

        n = split(query_str, querys, "&")
        for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
                split(querys[i], data, "=")
                query[data[1]] = data[2]

        # (IMPORTANT for security!)
        query["page"] = clear_pagename(query["page"])
        query["revision"] = clear_revision(query["revision"])
        query["revision2"] = clear_revision(query["revision2"])
        query["string"] = clear_str(decode(query["string"]))

        if (!localconf["rcs"])
                query["revision"] = 0

        if (query["page"] == "")
                query["page"] = localconf["default_page"]

        query["filename"] = localconf["datadir"] query["page"]

        #check if page is editable
        special_pages = "FullSearch|PageList|RecentChanges"

        if (query["page"] ~ "("special_pages")") {
                special_page = 1
        }, else if (!localconf["write_protection"] || query["page"] !~ "("localconf["write_protection"]")") {
                page_editable = 1


        if (query["edit"] && page_editable)
                edit(query["page"], query["filename"], query["revision"])
        else if (query["save"] && query["text"] && page_editable)
                save(query["page"], query["text"], query["string"], query["filename"])
        else if (query["page"] ~ "PageList")
        else if (query["page"] ~ "RecentChanges")
        else if (query["page"] ~ "FullSearch")
        else if (query["page"] && query["history"])
                special_history(query["page"], query["filename"])
        else if (query["page"] && query["diff"] && query["revision"])
                special_diff(query["page"], query["filename"], query["revision"], query["revision2"])
                parse(query["page"], query["filename"], query["revision"])



# print header
function header(page) {
        print "Content-type: text/html\n"
        print "<html>\n<head>\n<title>" page "</title>"
        if (localconf["css"])
                print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" localconf["css"] "\">"
        if (query["save"])
                print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2,URL="scriptname"/"page"\">"
        print "</head>\n<body>"
        print "<h1>"localconf["img_tag"]
        print "<a href=\""scriptname"/FullSearch?string="page"\">"page"</a></h1><hr>"

# print footer
function footer(page) {
        print "<hr>"
        if (page_editable)
                print "<a href=\""scriptname"?edit=true&amp;page="page"\">Edit "page"</a>"
        print "<a href=\""scriptname"/"localconf["default_page"]"\">"localconf["default_page"]"</a>"
        print "<a href=\""scriptname"/PageList\">PageList</a>"
        print "<a href=\""scriptname"/RecentChanges\">RecentChanges</a>"
        if (localconf["rcs"] && !special_page)
                print "<a href=\""scriptname"/"page"?history=true\">PageHistory</a>"
        print "<form action=\""scriptname"/FullSearch\" method=\"GET\" align=\"right\">"
        print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"string\">"
        print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"search\">"
        print "</form>\n</body>\n</html>"

# send page to parser script
function parse(name, filename, revision) {
        if (system("[ -f "filename" ]") == 0 ) {
                if (revision) {
                        print "<em>Displaying old version ("revision") of <a href=\""scriptname"/" name "\">"name"</a>.</em>"
                        system("co -q -p'"revision"' " filename " | "localconf["parser"] " -v datadir='"localconf["datadir"] "'")
                }, else
                        system(localconf["parser"] " -v datadir='"localconf["datadir"] "' " filename)

function special_diff(page, filename, revision, revision2,   revisions) {
        if (system("[ -f "filename" ]") == 0) {
                print "<em>Displaying diff between "revision
                if (revision2)
                        print " and "revision2
                        print " and current version"
                print " of <a href=\""scriptname"/"page "\">"page"</a>.</em>"
                if (revision2)
                        revisions = "-r" revision " -r" revision2
                        revisions = "-r" revision
                system("rcsdiff "revisions" -u "filename" | " localconf["special_parser"] " -v special_diff='"page"'")         },

# print edit form
function edit(page, filename, revision,   cmd) {
        if (revision)
                print "<p><small><em>If you save previous versions, you'll overwrite the current page.</em></small>"
        print "<form action=\""scriptname"?save=true&amp;page="page"\" method=\"POST\">"
        print "<textarea name=\"text\" rows=25 cols=80>"
        # insert current page into textarea
        if (revision) {
                cmd = "co -q -p'"revision"' " filename
                while ((cmd | getline) >0)
        }, else {
                while ((getline < filename) >0)
        print "</textarea><br />"
        print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"save\">"
        if (localconf["rcs"])
                print "Comment: <input type=\"text\" name=\"string\" maxlength=80 size=50>"
        if (! localconf["always_convert_spaces"])
                print "<br>Convert runs of 8 spaces to Tab <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"convertspaces\">"
        print "</form>"
        print "<small><strong>Emphases:</strong> <em>italic</em>; <strong>bold</strong>; <strong><em>bold italic</em></strong>; <em>mixed <strong>bold</strong>and italic</em><br><strong>Horizontal Rule:</strong> ----<br><strong>Paragraph:</strong> blank line<br><strong>Headings:</strong> -Title 1 ; --Title 2 ; ---Title 3<br><strong>Preformatted Text:</strong> *space*Text<br><strong>Lists:</strong> tab(s) and one of * bullets; 1 numbered items<br><strong>Links:</strong> JoinCapitalizedWords; url (http, https, ftp, gopher, mailto, news)</small>"

# save page
function save(page, text, comment, filename,   dtext, date) {
        dtext = decode(text);
        if ( localconf["always_convert_spaces"] || query["convertspaces"] == "on")
                gsub(/        /, "\t", dtext);
        print dtext > filename
        if (localconf["rcs"]) {
                localconf["date_cmd"] | getline date
                system("ci -q -t-"page" -l -m'"ENVIRON["REMOTE_ADDR"] ";;" date ";;"comment"' " filename)
        print "saved <a href=\""scriptname"/"page"\">"page"</a>"

# list all pages
function special_index(datadir) {
        system("ls -1 " datadir " | " localconf["special_parser"] " -v special_index=yes")


# list pages with last modified time (sorted by date)
function special_changes(datadir,   date) {
        localconf["date_cmd"] | getline date
        print "<p>current date:", date "<p>"
        system("ls -tlL "datadir" | " localconf["special_parser"] " -v special_changes=" localconf["show_changes"])

function special_search(name,datadir) {
        system("grep -il '"name"' "datadir"* | " localconf["special_parser"] " -v special_search=yes")

function special_history(name, filename) {
        print "<p>last changes on <a href=\""scriptname"/" name "\">"name"</a><p>"
        system("rlog " filename " | " localconf["special_parser"] " -v special_history="name)

        print "<p>Show diff between:"
        print "<form action=\""scriptname"/\" method=\"GET\">"
        print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\""name"\">"
        print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"diff\" value=\"true\">"
        print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"revision\" size=5>"
        print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"revision2\" size=5>"
        print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"diff\">"
        print "</form></p>"

# remove '"` characters from string
# *** !Important for Security! ***
function clear_str(str) {
        gsub(/['`"]/, "", str)
        if (length(str) > 80)
                return substr(str, 1, 80)
                return str

# retrun the pagename
# *** !Important for Security! ***
function clear_pagename(str) {
        if (match(str, /[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*/))
                return substr(str, RSTART, RLENGTH)
                return ""

# return revision numbers
# *** !Important for Security! ***
function clear_revision(str) {
        if (match(str, /[1-9]\.[0-9]+/))
                return substr(str, RSTART, RLENGTH)
                return ""

# decode urlencoded string
function decode(text,   hex, i, hextab, decoded, len, c, c1, c2, code) {

        split("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f", hex, " ")
        for (i=0; i<16; i++) hextab[hex[i+1]] = i

        # urldecode function from Heiner Steven

        # decode %xx to ASCII char
        decoded = ""
        i = 1
        len = length(text)

        while ( i <= len ) {
            c = substr (text, i, 1)
                if ( c == "%" ) {
                        if ( i+2 <= len ) {
                                c1 = tolower(substr(text, i+1, 1))
                                c2 = tolower(substr(text, i+2, 1))
                                if ( hextab [c1] != "" || hextab [c2] != "" ) {
                                        if ( (c1 >= 2 && c1 != 7) || (c1 == 7 && c2 != "f") || (c1 == 0 && c2 ~ "[9acd]") ){
                                                code = 0 + hextab [c1] * 16 + hextab [c2] + 0
                                                c = sprintf ("%c", code)
                                        }, else {
                                                c = " "
                                        i = i + 2
            }, else if ( c == "+" ) {    # special handling: "+" means " "
                c = " "
            decoded = decoded c

        # change linebreaks to \n
        gsub(/\r\n/, "\n", decoded)

        # remove last linebreak

        return decoded

#load configfile
function load_config(script,   configfile,key,value) {
        configfile = script
        #remove trailing / ('/awki/awki.cgi/' -> '/awki/awki.cgi')
        sub(/\/$/, "", configfile)
        #remove path ('/awki/awki.cgi' -> 'awki.cgi')
        sub(/^.*\//, "", configfile)
        #remove suffix ('awki.cgi' -> 'awki')
        sub(/\.[^.]*$/,"", configfile)
        # append .conf suffix
        configfile = configfile ".conf"

        #read configfile
        while((getline < configfile) >0) {
                if ($0 ~ /^#/) continue #ignore comments

                if (match($0,/[ \t]*=[ \t]*/)) {
                        key = substr($0, 1, RSTART-1)
                        sub(/^[ \t]*/, "", key)
                        value = substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH)
                        sub(/[ \t]*$/, "", value)
                        if (sub(/^"/, "", value))
                                sub(/"$/, "", value)
                        #set localconf variables
                        localconf[key] = value


2. awki.conf - setting options for your server and wiki

# awki.conf - example configfile for awkiawki
# $Id: awki.conf,v 1.2 2003/06/19 10:32:49 olt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2002 Oliver Tonnhofer (
# See the file `COPYING' for copyright notice.

## The first option contains the default value.
## Surrounding doubble-quotes are optional.

## default_page:
## Name of the default_page.
# default_page = "FrontPage"
# default_page = "AwkiAwki"

## img_tag:
## HTML img tag for picture in page header.
img_tag = <img src="/brain.png" width="121" height="139" align="left">

## datadir:
## Directory for raw pagedata (must be writeable for the script).
datadir = "./data/"

## css:
## HTTP URL for external CSS file
css = "/main.css"
# css = "http://mysite.domain/mystylesheet.css"

## rcs:
## If true, RCS is used for revisioning.
## This will enable PageHistory!
## HINT: Add a RCS directory in your datadir to save the
##  RCS Files in a separate directory.
# rcs = 0
rcs = "true"

## path:
## add path to PATH environment
## (path is added to the left side of $PATH)
#path = ""
#path = "/sw/bin:/usr/local"

## show_changes:
## Number of changes listed by RecentChanges.
# show_changes = 10
show_changes = 25

## write_protection:
## Regex for write protected files.
## e.g.: "*", "PageOne|PageTwo|^.*NonEditable"
## HINT: To edit these protected pages, upload a .htaccess
##  protected awki.cgi script with write_protection = ""
# write_protection = ""
# write_protection = ^AwkiAwki$|ReadOnly$

## always_convert_spaces:
## If true, convert runs of 8 spaces to tab automatical.
# always_convert_spaces = 0

## date_cmd:
## Command for current date.
date_cmd = "date '+%e %b. %G %R:%S %Z'"

## parser:
## Parsing script.
parser = "./parser.awk"

## special_parser:
## Parser for special_* functions.
special_parser = "./special_parser.awk"

## max_post:
## Bytes accepted by POST requests (to avoid DOS).
max_post = 500000

3. parser.awk - parsing pages you've just created

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# parser.awk - parsing script for awkiawki
# $Id: parser.awk,v 1.6 2002/12/07 13:46:45 olt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2002 Oliver Tonnhofer (
# See the file `COPYING' for copyright notice.

        list["ol"] = 0
        list["ul"] = 0
        scriptname = ENVIRON["SCRIPT_NAME"]
        FS = "[ ]"

        cmd = "ls " datadir
        while ((cmd | getline ls_out) >0)
                if (match(ls_out, /[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*/) && substr(ls_out, RSTART + RLENGTH) !~ /,v/) {
                        page = substr(ls_out, RSTART, RLENGTH)
                        pages[page] = 1

# register blanklines
/^$/ { blankline = 1; next; },

# HTML entities for <, > and &
/[&<>]/ { gsub(/&/, "\\&amp;"); gsub(/</, "\\&lt;"); gsub(/>/, "\\&gt;"); },

# generate links
/[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*/ ||
/(https?|ftp|gopher|mailto|news):/ {
        tmpline = ""
        for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
                field = $i
                # generate HTML img tag for .jpg,.jpeg,.gif,png URLs
                if (field ~ /https?:\/\/[^\t]*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)/                         && field !~ /https?:\/\/[^\t]*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)/) {
                        sub(/https?:\/\/[^\t]*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)/, "<img src=\"&\">",field)
                # links for mailto, news and http, ftp and gopher URLs
                },else if (field ~ /((https?|ftp|gopher):\/\/|(mailto|news):)[^\t]*/) {
                        sub(/((https?|ftp|gopher):\/\/|(mailto|news):)[^\t]*[^.,?;:'")\t]/, "<a href=\"&\">&</a>",field)
                        # remove mailto: in link description
                        sub(/>mailto:/, ">",field)
                # links for awkipages
                },else if (field ~ /(^|[[,.?;:'"\(\t])[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*/ && field !~ //) {
                        match(field, /[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*/)
                        tmp_pagename = substr(field, RSTART, RLENGTH)
                        if (pages[tmp_pagename])
                                sub(/[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*/, "<a href=\""scriptname"/&\">&</a>",field)
                                sub(/[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*/, "&<a href=\""scriptname"/&\">?</a>",field)
                tmpline = tmpline field OFS
        # return tmpline to $0 and remove last OFS (whitespace)
        $0 = substr(tmpline, 1, length(tmpline)-1)

# remove six single quotes (WikiLinks)
{ gsub(//,""); },

# emphasize text in single-quotes
// { gsub(/('?'?[^'])*/, "<strong>&</strong>"); gsub(//,""); },
//  { gsub(/('?[^'])*/, "<em>&</em>"); gsub(//,""); },

/^-[^-]/ { $0 = "<h2>" substr($0, 2) "</h2>"; close_tags(); print; next; },
/^--[^-]/ { $0 = "<h3>" substr($0, 3) "</h3>"; close_tags(); print; next; },
/^---[^-]/ { $0 = "<h4>" substr($0, 4) "</h4>"; close_tags(); print; next; },

# horizontal line
/^----/ { sub(/^----+/, "<hr>"); blankline = 1; close_tags(); print; next; },

/^\t+[*]/ { close_tags("list"); parse_list("ul", "ol"); print; next;},
/^\t+[1]/ { close_tags("list"); parse_list("ol", "ul"); print; next;},

/^ / {
        if (pre != 1) {
                print "<pre>\n" $0; pre = 1
                blankline = 0
        }, else {
                if (blankline==1) {
                        print ""; blankline = 0

NR == 1 { print "<p>"; },

        # print paragraph when blankline registered
        if (blankline==1) {
                print "<p>";

        #print line


        $0 = ""

function close_tags(not) {

        # if list is parsed this line print it
        if (not !~ "list") {
                if (list["ol"] > 0) {
                        parse_list("ol", "ul")
                }, else if (list["ul"] > 0) {
                        parse_list("ul", "ol")
        # close monospace
        if (not !~ "pre") {
                if (pre == 1) {
                        print "</pre>"
                        pre = 0

function parse_list(this, other) {

        thislist = list[this]
        otherlist = list[other]
        tabcount = 0

        while(/^\t+[1*]/) {

        # close foreign tags
        if (otherlist > 0) {
                while(otherlist-- > 0) {
                        print "</" other ">"

        # if we are needing more tags we open new
        if (thislist < tabcount) {
                while(thislist++ < tabcount) {
                        print "<" this ">"
        # if we are needing less tags we close some
        }, else if (thislist > tabcount) {
                while(thislist-- != tabcount) {
                        print "</" this ">"

        if (tabcount) {
                $0 = "\t<li>" $0

        list[other] = 0
        list[this] = tabcount


4. special_parser.awk - parsing diffs if you enabled rcs

#!/usr/bin/mawk -f
# special_parser.awk - parsing script for awkiawki
# $Id: special_parser.awk,v 1.5 2003/07/07 11:22:55 olt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2002 Oliver Tonnhofer (
# See the file `COPYING' for copyright notice.

        scriptname = ENVIRON["SCRIPT_NAME"]
        if (special_changes)
                print "<table>"
        if (special_history) {
                # use the power of awk to split the information of rlog
                RS = "----------------------------\n"
                FS = "\n"
                print "<table>\n<tr><th>version</th><th>date</th><th>ip</th><th>comment</th>"
                print "<th>view version</th><th>edit version</th><th>diff to current</th></tr>"
        if (special_diff)
                print "<pre>"

special_changes && $9 ~ /^[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*$/ {
        print "<tr><td>" generate_link($9) "</td><td>"$7" "$6" "$8"</td></tr>"
        if (filenr == special_changes)

special_index && /^[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*$/ {
        print generate_link($0) "<br>"

special_search && /[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*$/ {
        sub(/^.*[^\/]\//, "")
        print generate_link($0) "<br>"

special_history && NR > 1 {
        #pick revision number
        match($1, /[1-9]\.[0-9]+/)
        revision = substr($1, RSTART, RLENGTH)

        #split the double-semicolon separated information line
        split($3, sp_array, ";;")
        ip_address = sp_array[1]
        date = sp_array[2]
        comment = sp_array[3]

        if (NR == 2)
                revision = "current"

        print "<tr align=center><td>"revision"</td><td>"date"</td><td>"ip_address"</td><td>"comment"</td>"
        print "<td><a href=\""scriptname"/"special_history
        if (NR > 2)
                print "?revision="revision
        print "\">view</a></td>"
        print "<td><a href=\""scriptname"/?edit=true&amp;"
        if (NR >2)
                print "revision="revision"&amp;"
        print "page="special_history"\">edit</a></td>"
        if (NR >2)
                print "<td><a href=\""scriptname"/?diff=true&amp;page="special_history"&amp;revision="revision"\">diff</a></td>"
        print "</tr>"


special_diff && (NR >2) {
        if (/^\+/)
                print "<span class=\"new\">"$0"</span>"
        else if (/^\-/)
                print "<span class=\"old\">"$0"</span>"
                print $0


        if (special_changes || special_history)
                print "</table>"
        if (special_diff)
                print "</pre>"

function generate_link(string) {
        sub(/[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*/, "<a href=\""scriptname"/&\">&</a>", string)
