Awesome is a WindowManager for X-Windows. It uses TiledWindows and can be controled completely from the keyboard, but has good mouse support too (unlike some tiled window managers I've tried --CalebWakeman). It's also a WindowManagerThatActuallyManagesWindows.
It is pretty awesome, but this page is about the specific WindowManager rather than awesome window managers in general.
It's a fork of DwmWindowManager with the addition of menus, LuaLanguage scripting, a config client and other generally unnecessary encrustations.
[[I haven't seen a config client, unless you count editing the lua config file and reloading it. Where was that? I also found the LuaLanguage scripting pretty handy, but that may be because IdontKnowCee. --CalebWakeman]] - awesome-client is a remote command line interface to awesome. It communicates with awesome via D-Bus, allowing remote execution of Lua code. And you don't really need to know C to configure dwm - most things can be done by adding things to lists/enums in a header file; you just have to place the brackets and commas. If that's all what's keeping you from using dwm you should try it you might like it. But maybe we look for different things in window managers - one of the things I like best about dwm is its a WindowManagerThatActuallyManagesWindows and does almost nothing else.