Unlike the Pommies and Seppoes, Bruce, we don't have any bloody cultural assumptions.
Ya bastard. Avagoyermug!
In the vein of AmericanCulturalAssumption, I would rather this page contain viewpoints that tend to come from australians that are based on the assumption that everybody else is just like us. I'd like to believe that us aussies are fairly aware of our differences though.
Most cultural assumptions you'll find on this wiki from Australians are probably based on us making a bunch of crazy words up when those poms dumped us here and not realising that nobody can understand a damn word that we say.
Australians also seem to write in a very casual and familiar manner, much like australian speech tends to be. This tends to introduce a level of vulgarity or sarcasm into our writing that can cause some unintentional offense.
See http://www.koalanet.com.au/australian-slang.html for a dictionary of Australian slang.
You'd be a mug to miss:
- Top Aussies: http://www.geocities.com/topaussieguide/Page1.htm
- Welcome Americans! http://members.optushome.com.au/gferizis/guide/tourist/yank.html
On behalf of all of us Seppoes, could you please take Rupert Murdoch back to Oz, and never let him out again?
You should talk to this guy about it:
Hell that caption is hilarious. And its absolutely serious. So which country is this from? **makes the Family Feud wrong noise** BaBow.
For any who have the same level of knowledge of Australia as the journalist who wrote the caption, the "unidentified official" in the picture is our prime minister, John Howard, who faces elections this weekend - 9th October 2004. (He is as popular here as George Bush is in the USA)
I assume because its Mr ex-IOC Pres, that this was at the Sydney Olympics... So how much more ironic is the lack of knowledge on the journalists side.