One of the NextBigThings. A Wearable Cell Phone will need to have this feature which will allow the wearer to speak trained voice segments which will dial and connect to desired numbers. Phones which are to be worn would not need any visual display other than a multicolor LED which could indicate such things as power on, command accepted, ready for next command (yellow, green, red). Wearable Video and Camera phones with Pda or PalmSize display similar to the "Dick Tracy" Wrist Device, or an eyeglass retina camera and projection Device would also be possible extensions of the Audio Only Device which would be worn as an earpiece or as eyeglass frame, necklace, or Star Trek type broach. -- 20040622
Examples of phrases:
"Phone Home Line One"
"Call John"
"Call Jane"
"My Message Box"
"Answering Machine at Office"
"My Car" (Cars will wear cell phones as well)
"My Briefcase" (Briefcases will wear cell phones too)
"Call Number 913 555 1212"
"Store Last Number As (pause)(on beep say:) "Overland Park Information" (pause) "Store"
"Help!" (Connects to Help Line for emergencies)
"Help Police" (Connects to 911)
Where multiple AudioRecognitionDevice exist, prefix wakeup phrases such as "Cell Phone", "Computer", "Sound Recorder", "Video Recorder" might be used with LED blinking or beep to confirm wakeup for follow up Audio Command.
Most of the above have been realized and are now a common existence (20140724)