Attitudinal Indicator

last modified: January 12, 2008

cmavo (LojbanLanguage words) which do not affect the meaning of a bridi but which denote the speaker's feeling toward it. Essentially voiced facial expressions.

mi klama = I go

mi klama .ui = I go :)

See SmileyFaces.

.ua        discovery                       confusion
.u'a    gain                            loss
.ue     surprise        no surprise     expectation
.u'e    wonder                          commonplace
.ui     happiness                       unhappiness
.u'i    amusement                       weariness
.uo     completion                      incompleteness
.u'o    courage         timidity        cowardice
.uu     pity                            cruelty
.u'u    repentance      lack of regret  innocence

.o'a    pride           modesty         shame
.o'e    closeness       detachment      distance
.oi     complaint/pain  doing OK        pleasure
.o'i    caution         boldness        rashness
.o'o    patience        mere tolerance  anger
.o'u    relaxation      composure       stress

.ii     fear            nervousness     security
.i'i    togetherness                    privacy
.io     respect                         disrespect
.i'o    appreciation                    envy
.iu     love            no love lost    hatred
.i'u    familiarity                     mystery

.a'a    attentive       inattentive     avoiding
.a'e    alertness                       exhaustion
.ai     intent          indecision      refusal
.a'i    effort          no real effort  repose
.a'o    hope                            despair
.au     desire          indifference    reluctance
.a'u    interest        no interest     repulsion

.e'a    permission                      prohibition
.e'e    competence                      incompetence
.ei     obligation                      freedom
.e'i    constraint      independence    resistance to constraint
.e'o    request                         negative request
.e'u    suggestion      no suggestion   warning

.ia     belief          skepticism      disbelief
.i'a    acceptance                      blame
.ie     agreement                       disagreement
.i'e    approval        non-approval    disapproval

These are adjustable as follows:

cai     sai     ru'e   cu'i   nairu'e naisai  naicai

goes from extreme feeling to extreme negative feeling. Sai is always understood.

ro'a       social          asocial         antisocial
ro'e    mental                          mindless
ro'i    emotional                       denying emotion
ro'o    physical                        denying physical
ro'u    sexual                          sexual abstinence
re'e    spiritual       secular         sacrilegious

categorizes the emotion. A full discussion can be found at

There are some other modifiers that can color the scales in addition to the ro'X categories. These same keywords get copied over & over too much, so I'm going to try to give y'all a fresh description. :)

"le'o" is the aggressiveness of an attitudinal. For instance ".oi" expresses some kind of pain or complaint, so ".oile'o" is like: HEY! That hurts me and I'm going to hurt you back! ".oile'onai" on the other hand emphasizes defending against the pain. ".oile'ocu'i" is in the middle, neither aggressive nor defensive.

"ju'o" is how certain you are of something. "ju'o" means certainly, "ju'onai" means certainly not, and "ju'ocu'i" means uncertainty.

"be'u" is whether the attitude is about something you need ("be'u"), something you've got enough of ("be'ucu'i"), or something you have too much of ("be'unai"). For instance ".aube'unai" would mean "I want it even though I have too much already".. ".oibe'u" means ouch, I need something. ".a'unaibe'unai"-- I'm sick of that, I've had too much!

"fu'i" I don't really understand very well yet, but as I understand it it's similar to be'u in that it's sort of more about the cause of the feeling than the feeling itself. "fu'i" is about easiness, and "fu'inai" is about difficulty.

"vu'e" is whether the feeling is virtuous or not! ".uivu'enai" is sinful happiness, for instance. ".a'avu'e" means "I'm being good and paying attention!"

"ga'i" marks that you're of a higher rank than the thing you're describing, "ga'icu'i" that you're of an equal rank, and "ga'inai" that you're of a lower rank. I've always thought that the closeness of "ga'inai" (I'm totally submitting) and "ga'icai" (I rule extremely) was just close enough you might maybe put just a hint of a "sh" in your "ga'inai", if someone were making you say "ga'inai" (if the world were later ruled by Lojban speaking androids).

"zo'o" shows how serious you are about something. "zo'o" means that you're kidding around, "zo'onai" that you're being very serious, and "zo'ocu'i" that you're just like, talking, no worries.

"se'i" shows whether the beneficiary or focus of the emotion is on yourself, or on someone else. ".ause'i" is wanting it for yourself, ".ause'inai" is wanting it for someone else. ".uise'i" is being happy for yourself, ".uise'inai" is being happy for someone else.

"se'a", as I understand it at the moment, is whether you are the agent of the feeling, or someone else is. ".uise'a" means that you make yourself happy, whereas ".uise'anai" means that someone else makes you happy.

"ri'e" shows whether the emotion is bursting out ("ri'e") or is under control ("ri'enai").

"bu'o" is a word that helps show the contours of emotions. "bu'o" means that an emotion is starting, "bu'ocu'i" that it's continuing, and "bu'onai" that it's ending. For instance, ".uibu'o", I'm starting to feel happy. ".oibu'onai", I don't hurt anymore. ".o'ubu'ocu'i", I still feel relaxed.

Phew, that's some attitudinal modifiers! BTW, anyone who's interested in Lojban's attitudinals should check out Cniglic, a new language I've invented/discovered that uses Lojban's attitudinals on English text.

