Ats Diary Week Four

last modified: March 10, 2006

Part of the AtsDiary.

31 March 2000

We're scheduled to deliver our iteration four release at the end of the day tomorrow (Monday, actually). I'm not at all concerned about making that date. We've finished 15 user stories and the only one remaining is to fix a little bug that we have estimated at two ideal hours.

All of our major risks have been resolved. The hardest/riskiest AtsUserStories were done first, of course. We've finally gotten the authentication system to which we have to connect to work, although it was giving us problems up until Tuesday, three days ago. I finally got the application to work in its deployed state (that is, running as an applet, not as an application in our development environment) today. Just before that, I turned on the distribution switch and use the AtsUnitTests to exercise all of our distributed objects in their distributed state. Unsurprisingly, since we rarely turn on the distribution switch during normal development, that process found a couple of bugs, but they were easily fixed. It would have been a much bigger headache if we didn't have the unit tests.

There is one dark cloud on the horizon: something's happened to the ability to associate action items to projects. I'm not sure when it happened, since that functionality was developed in phase one of the AtsProject and doesn't have any unit tests. Hopefully we'll be able to debug that problem on Monday. If not, I've prepared a story card for the users to prioritize in our AtsPlanningGame meeting on Monday.

Even with that problem, though, I'm feeling very happy with our current state of development. We're going to be able to meet our deadline without any problem, and I have a lot of confidence in the quality of our code as well (action item bug excepted). I'm quite proud of our work; we've created a real security architecture that is enforced on the (theoretically uncrackable) back end, not just a whitewash job of disabling buttons on the front end. In our manual tests, we occasionally would turn off some permissions after the screen had been painted, and then click a button that would normally be disabled or missing. I always got a kick out of seeing the "You don't have permission to do that" security error dialog come back after the back end rejected our request, demonstrating that a cracker's subversion of the GUI wouldn't have any effect on his access rights.

So, why is everything going so well? I can't give a definitive answer, but I can provide a list of what's helped us. I'll let you decide which of these things are due to ExtremeProgramming, which are due to a small team working on a small project, and which are due to blind luck. :)

Practices that were of questionable value:

Practices that hurt us:

I'll discuss this list with team further next week, and post an updated version of the list then.

3 April 2000

I've updated the AtsStatusReports page with the last two weeks' status reports.

12 April 2000

We had our iteration five planning meeting last week on Monday. That went very well - we used the story cards again, but this time, I used a combination of ExtremeProgramming's PlanningGame and Alistair Cockburn's ProjectPlanningJamSession. First, we went through all of the cards and categorized them as high, medium, or low. There were some arguments about relative priority, but I overrode them by stating that this first pass was just a rough cut and that the highest priority anyone mentioned would go on the card. As a result, we got through the initial batch very quickly.

Next, I picked up all of the high priority cards and put them down on the table one by one. For each card, I asked the users to arrange them by relative priority, with one end of the table being "highest" and the other end being "lowest." This, too, went fairly quickly. There were some disagreements about priority among different users, but overall they were able to compromise and accommodate each other.

When we got through all of the high priority cards, we counted up the times and found that it equaled the amount of time available. So we stopped. The cards on the table were the cards for iteration five.

If I were to do it over again, I would have continued with the medium priority pile. I think some of the cards in the medium priority pile would have been higher priority than some of the "high" priority cards since the initial rough cut resulted in a few artificially high priority cards. But overall, the users were happy, and I think this session went even better than the first one.


We also deployed iteration four of ATS last week, two days ahead of schedule. Those extra two days, unfortunately, were eaten up very quickly with user training and server issues. Right now, we're about 7 ideal hours behind schedule for iteration five. I'm not worried about it, though. Not yet, anyway. Our estimates are based on an load factor of 3.0, which is probably going to be too high.

After we deployed ATS, we spent about five hours in a AtsEngineeringTask planning meeting for iteration five. This one went much better than the planning meeting for iteration four. In iteration four, we tried to create EngineeringTasks that were completely stand alone, so they could be done in any order and meshed well with DoTheSimplestThingThatCouldPossiblyWork. That approach didn't work out too well, though. It was hard to tell what exactly needed to be done for each task, since they were worded somewhat generically. This also decreased the accuracy of our estimates, I think.

So in iteration five, we used a modified ProjectPlanningJamSession. Only the engineers were present. We took each story card in the order defined by the users and brainstormed all the tasks required to do each story. Then we ordered the tasks and made sure there were no overlaps or gaps. Some stories also required data migration or specialized testing, so we created cards for these things and put them at the end of the story's tasks. As we proceeded with other stories, we assumed that things would be done in a particular order. So the first time we needed to something related to user preferences, we created a card for "Create User Preferences window" and estimated it accordingly. But the next time, we created a card named "Add 'foo' to User Preferences window" and gave it a correspondingly smaller estimate.

The overall result felt much more coherent and plausible. Part of the benefit may have been due to the other programmers' increased understanding of ATS, but I also feel that the ProjectPlanningJamSession approach gave us a better overall view of what needed to be done.


Our biggest problem at this point has been with the production server. We're actually deployed on a staging server for various reasons, and this is one of the first servers that new patches are tested on. Maybe we were just unlucky, but we've had very poor reliability from that server since Friday. Coincidently, that's when the users started using ATS. I'm concerned that the users will try ATS, not be able to log on, and will write ATS off entirely. :( We've located a new server that we can dedicate to ATS and will be moving to that server as soon as possible.

We've also lost one of our developers. He was needed for another project. Now we're down to two, from initial plan of four. I'm not really concerned about this - it's increased the length of time for the project, but lowered the overall cost. I communicated this to the GoldOwners and they were perfectly happy with it. Our estimate for this iteration is about four weeks, with deployment scheduled for May 3rd.

I've also posted the latest AtsStatusReport.
