Asleep With Eyes Open

last modified: November 3, 2005

Watching television.

Attending Marketing meetings.

Attending obligatory HR meetings.

Watching television.

Listening to your teen-aged kids explain why "rude is cool" and Free Speech means "I get to say what I want" and Tolerance means "you mustn't do anything that offends me."

Sitting through a sales presentation for the loan on a car you're thinking of buying.

Watching television.

Church on Sunday.

Reviewing badly written documentation.

Watching television.

Performing PeerReview on code you're not qualified to write because you're the "nearest thing we have to competent" on this system.

Sitting through staff training on "how to submit expense reports" and/or "our NewImproved time tracking system." Or "how to use the telephone (system)." (Required. And there's no getting out of it -- even by test.)

Watching television.
