Book: Ask the Headhunter: Reinventing the Interview to Win the Job by NickCorcodilos ISBN: 0452278015
The advice on the site and in the book is interesting precisely because it says the same thing in many different ways: The old job hunting method of sending out hundreds of resumes, checking job ads, going to mindless interviews, etc. is broken; instead, find a company you want to work for, find out who the hiring manager is (bypass HR completely), build a case for your value to that company and that manager, then have an interview where you show the manager how you would do the job. The articles and book explore the whys and hows of this basic thesis. It's written in plain, no-nonsense English, which is refreshing.
I really like this site, because it clicks with my experiences of job hunting. In fact, the latest job I landed (before I had read the book or website) worked pretty much exactly how Nick lays it out. If you want to know HowToSurviveInaJobMarketThatSucks, this is a great resource, even better than WhatColorIsYourParachute.