Art House

last modified: December 4, 2005

An Example to support SoftwareCannotBeModeled.

In Northern Virginia (Fairfax, I think) there was a very old house that was scheduled to be torn down by Labor day to make way for a small city park. The New York based group Art Attack got permission to turn the house into a temporary work of art that can be viewed by the general public.

Basically, they ripped out the floors, flooded the basement, added strange lighting, left some of the house items lying around (for things to focus on), put up fencing (with viewports) to prevent people from entering the house, and let people look in at their own leisure.

I have not explained this well, and it is impossible to do so. No text can explain the incredible impression it left on me and hundreds of other people that saw it. No architectural diagram could represent it. I wish I took pictures, but that, at best, would have only provided two dimensional slices of what was seen.

I believe that this Art House could be duplicated (much like what we expect of good software). If the same style of house was used, the artists could design another exhibit pretty much the same way. But, I don't think they could capture the design in blueprints, pictures, diagrams, or text.

This is pretty much the same for software.

-- ToddCoram
