Arne Vogel

last modified: March 25, 2006

Hi. I'm a 26 year-old software developer from Germany, and wherever I go I'm the CeePlusPlusExpert.

That doesn't mean I'm only interested in C++. Languages that I frequently like to use also include HaskellLanguage (esp. Hugs), PerlLanguage, BourneAgainShell and others. I'm also a JavaProstitute and CeeSharpWhore, which means that I touch these languages for money (ok, they're not that bad anyway).

Currently, I am trying to look for support against SoftwarePatents (euphemised as ComputerImplementedInvention) in the European Union, which will hurt the EU economy, threaten small businesses and OpenSourceSoftware alike, and only benefit some BigBadCorporations and PatentLawyers. Unfortunately, it seems that the EU is more of a banana republic than a true democracy(tm), so a lot of clueless and/or corrupt politicians support SoftwarePatents.

Welcome to wiki, Arne. -- CostinCozianu

