Argument From Popularity

last modified: October 15, 2013

Isn't there a page on this wiki somewhere about argument from popularity?

I think you mean ArgumentByTheMasses or ArgumentumAdPopulum.

Argument from popularity is when you say: "x is good because it is popular".

Islam is good because it is popular.

Christianity is good because it is popular.

BASIC is good because it was popular.

Object oriented programming is good because it is popular.

Hockey is good because it is popular.

Fast food is good because it is popular.

SQL is good because it is popular.

Everyone uses it. It must be right.

Popularity can be a good indicator of quality (i.e. free markets determine which businesses are popular and which aren't), but popularity is not always an indicator of quality. Sometimes things that are popular are just wrong. It was popular, for example, to believe the earth was flat at one time.. that was wrong, and a dangerous popular opinion.

There does tend to be more reference and how-to materials for common products. In other words, at the very least, their "suckage is better documented".

Most climatologists agree that anthropomorphic global warming is real.

Or, Because most AM-radio college-dropout political pundits in the back pockets of plutocrats say it's fake, it's fake.

My point is that the opposing side trashes the scientists as biased without considering similar forces on their human sources. If all experts are biased by their funding sources, then ALL public claimants are suspect sources, not just scientists. See also DismissalOfSubjectExperts.

See also: EvidenceTotemPole
