Apache Gump

last modified: April 20, 2007

Apache Gump is a codebase and an experiment in collaboration.

It somewhat resembles a ContinuousIntegration tool, except that it only runs on scheduled intervals.

What Gump tries to do is clean build, from scratch, the entire Apache open source codebase, including as many unit tests as possible. If something breaks, email is sent to the relevant projects. It therefore ensures that the common codebase builds and runs together, and finds problems early.

Originally limited to ApacheAnt based builds, it now supports ApacheMaven projects, and C++ code; MonoProject support is slowly evolving.

Any OpenSource project with a public CVS or Subversion repository and compatible build process is free to join the Gump; check out the source and see how to write a Gump Descriptor, write one for your own project, and submit it in a bug report. You can also host your own Gump build, which is useful for debugging the descriptor, and behind-the-firewall development.

Gump is currently written in Python. It was originally written by SamRuby, to bring some of the Perl/CPAN processes to the Java projects.

