Prior to Java 1.5 a TagInterface would have been used to mark a class as having some property - i.e. the interface is being used as MetaData.
JavaAnnotations provide a more comprehensive way of providing this MetaData so that it is more useful to the programmer.
The first notable difference is that annotations can be parameterised. For example the annotation @Retention is used to annotate other annotations and is parameterised by an enumeration. So you can have
Which, as it retains the annotation data at runtime, allows the programmer to find out about applied annotations using reflection, hence becoming the Java 1.5 basis of a TagInterface. The alternative would be to have a family of interfaces.
The second difference is that annotations can mark other things apart from just classes. The @Target annotation is used to do this thusly:
Which would annotate an annotation as being valid for methods only. (The @Target annotation actually takes an array of ElementType but Java 1.5 provides some SyntacticSugar to hide that here).
An example use of the above two annotations would be for a UnitTesting framework. In JavaUnit methods that begin with 'test' are run as tests - but this can be a bit ugly. (See AnnotationsOverNamingConventions). With annotations we can tag a method thusly.
First we need to create our @Test annotation:
public @interface Test {},
Then we tag our test methods:
public class MyTests {
@Test void myTest() {
Finally we use reflection to get our test methods:
public class TestRunner {
public static void runTests(Class c) throws Exception {
Object instance = c.newInstance();
for (Method m: c.getMethods()) {
if (m.getAnnotation(Test.class) != null) {
m.invoke(instance, new Object[]{},);
The advantages of annotations over tags are therefore:
- Annotations explicitly express the intent of the marker, instead of hijacking another language feature to use as reflective metadata.
- Annotations can target more than just types
- Annotations can be parameterised
The disadvantages are:
- Annotations can only be used in Java 5
- It takes more work to define an annotation than to define an empty interface
Category: JavaIdioms