Anarchist Schools

last modified: June 19, 2004

Anarchist institutions where students learn the importance of Liberty and Freedom on a very practical level. The FreeSchools movement was started by anarchists at the end of the 19th century under the name of Modern Schools (

Section J6 of AnAnarchistFaq ( may prove enlightening:

J.6 What methods of child rearing do anarchists advocate?

Modern Schools have been a constant aspect of the anarchist movement since the later 1890s. The movement was started in France by Louise Michel and Sebastien Faure, where Franciso Ferrer became acquainted with them. He founded his Modern School in Barcelona in 1901, and by 1905 there were 50 similar schools in Spain (many of them funded by anarchist groups and trade unions and, from 1919 onward, by the C.N.T. - in all cases, the autonomy of the schools was respected).

In 1909, Ferrer was falsely accused by the Spanish government of leading an insurrection and executed in spite of world-wide protest and overwhelming proof of his innocence. His execution, however, gained him and his educational ideas international recognition and inspired a Modern School progressive education movement in Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, China, Japan and, on the greatest scale, in the USA.

