- is a child of the lambdaway project
- α-wiki++ is an environment devoted to writing, composing and coding in the WEB, where the markup, styling and scripting are unified in a single language, lambdatalk.
the lambdaway project
- is a quest for a simple wiki text editor allowing composing and coding in a standard browser complex mutltimedia pages :
- 1 composing with a LISP-like syntax (so called λ-talk) built on the standard well documented HTML5 and CSS3 syntaxes,
- 2 coding in the wiki pages with extended LISP-like syntaxes built on the native browser's language, JavaScript (ECMA-5), which is a "LISP" in "C" clothes,
- 3 in a standard browser : FireFox, Chrome, Safari, I.Explorer-9, ... on every devices, from desktop computers to smartphones,
- 4 complex multimedia pages : enriched and structured texts, pictures, videos, and tools sets for creating and editing datas, books, worksheets, graphic editors, 3D, raytracing, ...
- 5 InTheCloud : created, stored and accessible from everywhere in the WEB.