Name: Alexandr Savinov
Email: savinov|at|conceptoriented|dot|org
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Currently I am developing a novel approach to programming, ConceptOrientedProgramming (COP), and a new data model, ConceptOrientedModel (COM).
I obtained the following major results:
[2003-Present] Keywords: Programming paradigms, Data modelling paradigms, System analysis and design
I have been developing a new programming paradigm, ConceptOrientedProgramming (COP):
- a new programming construct ConceptInCop is proposed which generalizes conventional classes:
- it generalizes ObjectOrientedProgramming
- it is an alternative to AspectOrientedProgramming
I have been developing a new data modelling paradigm, ConceptOrientedModel (COM):
- it is based on order relation for describing data semantics
- nested partially ordered sets is a formal basis for the model
[1999-2006] Keywords: Data mining, Knowledge discovery in databases, rule induction
I developed a novel approach to (dependence) rule induction with the following properties:
- rule interestingness is defined as a difference between real probability and expected probability (degree of surprise)
- an efficient method for finding an upper bound for this measure of interestingness was proposed (support quota) which allows us to avoid exhaustive search
I developed a novel approach to fuzzy rule induction
I developed and implemented a data mining system SPIN!:
- it has a plug-in architecture so that new components can be easily added
- it can use EJBs for running (data mining) algorithms
- it is written in Java
[1989-1999] Keywords: Expert systems, Artificial intelligence, Fuzzy knowledge representation and inference
- I developed a novel approach to fuzzy knowledge representation and inference with the following properties:
- it is analogous to classical CNF and DNF
- it is based on so called sectioned matrixes
- it uses a new operation of fuzzy resolution:
- I implemented this formal approach in an expert system shell EDIP which was then used to create several working expert systems
- it is written in C++ for Windows 3.x